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Looking for something to read?

Words have always held an allure over me, and for as long as I can remember, I have been writing. I have expressed myself through journaling, poetry, short stories, and novels, and now I have been given the opportunity to make it my life.

​The Untold Tales of The Accursed People: A Prequel



This (short) prequel answers some of the most burning unanswered questions from The Accursed People. Things such as where the Academy of Enlightenment came from... Who was Therayden Warfbuttle and what exactly happened to him? Most crucial is the ever-important prophecy that brought seven Companions together.

The Untold Tales of The Accursed People: A Sequel

ISBN-13- 978-1483999678


In this supplementary collection of short stories, you will find the answers to questions about The Accursed People. Such as; What happened to Torah? What happened to Antona De'Lith? Were Erudin and Antona really in love?

The Man Who Hated Superheroes

ISBN-13- 978-1484095362


What would you do if everywhere you turned Heroes were tearing up the place?
Follow Alfie, the man who hated superheroes, and find out. Though he and his wife constantly move to get away from the looming destruction yet another superhero is bound to inflict on their lives, he tries to make it work.
When the last straw falls, they move to a remote desert island, population 300. No heroes, right?

Coming Home

A man, wounded from war, returns to the place he knows as home. The problem is, he doesn't know who he is or what exactly happened to him. Accompanied by the village eccentric, he learns the most important lesson of his life.

ISBN-13- 978-1482735062

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